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Welcome To The United States Veterans Inc. Chamber of Commerce, INC              Public Information Page​

About The USVInc Chamber of Commerce

The United States Veterans Inc., Chamber of Commerce, INC (USVIncCC) is a membership organization whose ranks are made up primarily of veterans serving a cross section of over 3.7 million veteran owned businesses (VOB) ranging from sole proprietors to large corporations and conglomerates. That generated sales/receipts of $2.4 trillion, employed 8.2 million employees, and annual payroll of $280 billion. The veteran owned business community, in conjunction with the 167 million military personnel, veterans, their dependents and family members who make up the military community, and they are the most powerful, political, economic and influential consumer force in the United States and; is America's greatest hope for economic recovery of the country.

What Differentiates Us From Other Chambers?

The United States Veterans Inc., Chamber of Commerce was established to leverage the combined strength of the nation’s 3.7 million, veteran owned businesses and, the consumer buying power of the 167 million Americans that make up the military community in order to create an unparalleled economic and political force, whose mission is to promote VOB friendly legislation, and generate entrepreneurial business opportunities through strategic collaborations and partnerships with; city, county, state and federal government agencies, government contractors, local business communities and large national and multinational corporations and the military community consumers.

Our Technological Advantage:

The United States Veterans Inc., Chamber of Commerce is committed to investing heavily in cutting edge information management and technology solutions necessary to provide our members with the state of the art, entrepreneurial training, support, information, and business resources they require to compete efficiently and effectively in today's economy, against any competitor large or small, Irrelevant of their geographic location.  The free and low cost internet based marketing vehicles, collaboration and partnership networking platforms, venture capital network database, The request for proposal database, government contracting resource center, on-line entrepreneurial training and workshops, broadcast network, on-line entrepreneur library, the veteran employee partnership network,  the affiliate network, the VOB's social network, and the veterans employment database are just a few of the  on-line tools and services being implemented as part of  the Chambers offerings to provide significant added value to our members. That will give our members the means to gain a strategic advantage when it comes to growing their business, building relationships and competing efficiently and effectively against any competitor in any situation or geographic location.

Vets First / Buy Veteran - Buy Veteran Affiliate:

Its indisputable that the majority of Americans have great respect and a deep appreciation for the hardships and sacrifices that our military, veterans and their families have endured in service to their country. And proof of the nation’s appreciation is made evident in a recently released independent study funded by NaVOBA which revealed that 70% of Americans would prefer to purchase from veteran owned businesses and those non-veteran owned businesses that supported the military community. President Obama, though a non-veteran and numerous politicians have also recognized the benefit of veteran owned business and military community affiliation and support , which has led to increased veteran owned business funding and contracting awards across all levels of government, and the industries. Businesses large and small are incorporating military rewards and veterans discounts into their marketing initiatives, and are experiencing a significant increase in new customers and profits, along with a greatly enhanced public image.

Once again, it's about strength in numbers! With that in mind the United States Veterans, Chamber of Commerce is leveraging the combined power of the veteran owned business community and our veteran affiliates in an aggressive national campaign to garner support for and promote the Buy Veteran - Buy Veteran initiatives; while at the same time promoting our veteran owned business and affiliate members through a variety of on-line marketing vehicles, publications, media broadcast, virtual business exhibitions, retail discount incentive, in business signage and promotions, military discount programs, hero's night out business networking events, non-veteran business networking and partnership events, businesses conferences  press releases, and radio and television broadcast, and so much more.

Aside from all the obvious benefits of membership - you might also consider the less obvious - that being the opportunity to earn a profit, while at the same time doing something incredibly good - through your support of the nation’s military hero’s and their dependents who have sacrificed so much for you, your loved ones and this great country.

Become A Hero: To The Nations Community of Hero's

The easiest way to become a Hero in America, is simply to join an organization of Hero's. And there is no better way for a veteran, company or individual to elevate their status as Hero's, then by their continued service to America and the country's heroic veteran owned businesses, and America's military community. For hardly can one lift up Americas Hero's and their families, and not at the same time lift up themselves.

Copyright © 2013 United States Veterans Inc. Chamber of Commerce, INC
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